How do I order a custom order:

All of our products are custom made but we do offer custom orders being an order a user may place that is original and custom to them.

  1. On the Rapha design website, locate the CUSTOM ORDERS

  2. Under this tab you will find that to make a custom order you must Direct Message us at @raphadesignco on Instagram OR Message us via Email at with CUSTOM ORDER as the subject line***

  3. The design you would like MUST be appropriate or it will not be approved.

  4. In the instagram direct message or email please state:

Your name 


What type of apparel you’d like: sweatshirt, hoodie, t-shirt, or tote bag

What size you’d like: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL

What would you like designed and where: (if front, back, or sleeve please state where and what)


Luiz Sino

Luiz’s email/gmail



Front: I am 

Right sleeve: fearfully 

Left sleeve: wonderfully 

Top Back: made

Lower Back: “For You who formed my innermost parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well”. Psalms 139:13-14 AMP

  1. After your message has been sent, we will be notified and respond with “Your custom order has been approved” OR “Your custom order is not appropriate”

  2. If approved, we will contact you on how to proceed with your order